Use our Low Priority feature to separate less important mail from your inbox. This includes things like newsletters, receipts, etc.
To enable, go to Accounts & Settings > Open Settings > General > Bundle low priority mail and select "Bundle in Inbox" or "Bundle on Left".
- "Bundle in Inbox" will hide low priority messages from your inbox and list them in a Low Priority item located in your Inbox.
- "Bundle on Left" will hide low priority messages from your inbox and list them in a Low Priority section located on the left side panel.
You can always mark senders as low priority or high priority!
On the web or in the desktop app
- From your Inbox, All Mail, or the Low Priority view:
- Hover over a thread that you want to mark as low priority and then click the Low Priority button (next to the Remind button).
- Click "Just this thread" to mark only this thread as low priority.
- Click "Threads from" to mark messages from this specific email address as low priority.
- Click "All threads from" to mark all threads from this domain as low priority.
- Hover over a thread that you want to mark as low priority and then click the Low Priority button (next to the Remind button).
- From inside an email:
- Click on the Low Priority button on the top right corner of the window.
- Click "Just this thread" to mark only this thread as low priority.
- Click "Threads from" to mark messages from this specific email address as low priority.
- Click "All threads from" to mark all threads from this domain as low priority.
- Click on the Low Priority button on the top right corner of the window.
On mobile
- From your Inbox, All Mail, or the Low Priority view:
- Press and hold on a message from a sender that you'd like to mark as low priority, and then tap "Mark as Low Priority".
- Tap "Just this thread" to mark messages from this specific email address as low priority.
- Tap "Threads from" to mark messages from this specific email address as low priority.
- Tap "All threads from" to mark all threads from this domain as low priority.
- Press and hold on a message from a sender that you'd like to mark as low priority, and then tap "Mark as Low Priority".
- From inside an email:
- Tap on the Low Priority button on the top right corner of the window.
- Tap "Just this thread" to mark messages from this specific email address as low priority.
- Tap "Threads from" to mark messages from this specific email address as low priority.
- Tap "All threads from" to mark all threads from this domain as low priority.
- Tap on the Low Priority button on the top right corner of the window.